16 November, 2007

Monet? Beethoven? Who are they?

St. Peter is guarding the pearly white gates up in Heaven. 3 guys walk up.

The first guy walks up to St. Peter. St. Peter says, "Hello, and who might you be?" The guy says, "I'm Monet." And St. Peter says, "Well, to let you in to Heaven, I have to be sure that you are who you say you are. Show me some proof." So Monet shows up any one of his famous, beautiful paintings, and, convinced, St. Peter says, "Oh, Mr. Monet! Come right in."

The second guy walks up. St. Peter says, "Hello, and who might you be?" The guy says, "I'm Beethoven." And St. Peter says, "Well, to let you in to Heaven, I have to be sure that you are who you say you are. Show me some proof." So right there Beethoven plays one of his symphonies on the piano, and, convinced, St. Peter says, "Oh, Mr. Beethoven! Come right in."

Finally, the third guy walks up. St. Peter says, "Hello, and who might you be?" The guy says, "I'm President Bush." And St. Peter says, "Well, to let you in to Heaven, I have to be sure that you are who you say you are. Show me some proof. You know, like, Monet showed me a painting, Beethoven played a symphony. ..."

And Bush says, "Monet? Beethoven? Who are they?!" And St. Peter says, "Oh, President Bush! Come right in."

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