03 November, 2007

Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Tennessee were different

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently announced that, for the past three years, they jointly funded a project with two major US auto makers, Ford and Chevrolet, whereby the auto makers installed black boxes in all four wheel drive pickup trucks in an effort to determine, in fatal accidents, the circumstances in the last 10 seconds before a crash.

They were surprised to find in 45 of the 50 states that the last words of drivers in 63 percent of fatal crashes were, “Oh, Shit!” Only the states of Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Tennessee were different - where over 89 percent of final words were: “Hey ya’ll, hold my beer and watch this!”

1 comment:

  1. That's funny! Some people get really offended by Tennessee jokes, but I love them! I've lived in TN my whole life and I love the little quirks that make our state and the south unique.

    Course, we like to make fun of northerners all the time...especially people from Minnesota!

    God bless!
