09 June, 2007

The delicious parrot

Three sons left home and prospered in life. When getting back
together they discussed their success and the great gifts they
were able to buy their elderly mother.

“The first son said, “I sent mom a Mercedes.”

The second son said, “I bought mom a mansion.”

The third son smirked and said, “I’ve got you both BEAT!
Remember how mom liked reading the Bible when we were
young? And you know she can’t see very well anymore?…
Well, I sent her an AMAZING parrot that recites the ENTIRE Bible!
It took elders in the church 12 years to teach this parrot.
He’s one of a kind!! Mom now just has to name the verse
and BAM… the parrot recites it!”

Soon after this meeting of the sons, mom sent out her thank you letters.

“Andy,” she wrote, “the house you built is so big and even though
I live in one room, I still have to clean the whole house.”

“John,” she wrote, “I am too old to travel and spend most of my
time at home, so I never use the Mercedes.

“Mark,” she wrote to her third son, “You are my favorite son.
You have such good sense to know what your mother likes.
The chicken was simply delicious!”

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