20 April, 2007

Michelle Pfeiffer's punishment!

When Jake Parsons died and went to heaven he saw a guy at the gate who said, "Jake Parsons...let's see...oh, yes. You go down that hall and into the third door on your right."

So Jake went past the first door and looked in. Inside was Atilla the Hun standing alone in a dark room. Suddenly a spotlight hit the opposite wall and a door opened and out stepped the most disgusting, ugly, vile, wart-covered woman... A voice boomed out: "Atilla the Hun, you have been very evil! Your punishment is to spend eternity with this hag!!!"

Jake walked on further and looked into the second room. Adolph Hitler was in there, the room was dark, and a spotlight hit the opposite wall and this even more disgusting old hag walked into the room. A voice boomed out: "Adolf Hitler, you have been very evil! Your punishment is to spend eternity with this hag!!!"

So Jake finally came to his door, opened it and entered a dark room. Suddenly a spotlight hit the opposite wall, and out stepped Michelle Pfeiffer...! Jake was delighted. Just then a voice boomed out: "Michelle Pfeiffer, you have been very evil...!"

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